An international circumpolar map of
dynamic geology of the Arctic is envisaged for the entire Arctic region in
its natural limits. It is intended to serve as a basis for capturing the
distribution of environmental geology settings and performing their system
analysis, with a view to identify the natural hazards and menacing processes
that may threaten human habitation and sustainable development in the Arctic.
The compilation of the map is in progress that can already be demonstrated
for the Euro-Asian sector of the Arctic Ocean and its shelves.
The database for the map is based on GIS technologies and designed to
integrate a variety of elements characterizing mainly the neotectonic,
Quaternary geology and modern dynamic geology processes; among the latter,
the primary importance is given to activity of sediment transport by rivers,
coastal dynamics, sea-floor deposition, earthquake epicenters, and
permafrost distribution. The data have primarily been sourced from
1:1,000,000 sheets of the State Geological Map of the Russian Federation
compiled at VNIIOkeangeologia, as well as from the results of marine
investigations performed by Russian ice-drifting stations and research
ACCEPTED as Poster
in session: "T12.01 - Earth imaging: modeling and databanks. A prospective for
the 21st century after more than a hundred years of mapping experience"