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doi:10.24411/2687-1092-2019-10513 1Polargeo, Saint-Petersburg, Russia 2 AGD Diamonds, Arkhangelsk, Russia
Abstract. In result investigations of geologists of «Polargeo» Ltd. and «AGD Diamonds» Ltd. and VSEGEI corrected complexes of molluscs and crustaceans of 2 and 4 marine terraces (MIS-3 and MIS-5) of the Karginian and Kazantsevo transgressions of the Late Neopleistocene of the Belomorskoe-Kuloiskoe plateau, Pai-Khoy and Taymyr Peninsulas. These complexes marked in big distance of shallow marine zones of these regions. For level of 2 marine terrace included representatives of many representatives Astarte, Mythilus, Spisula, Neptunea and 4 marine terrace considered many Macoma, Astarte, Spisula, Clinocardium, Chirona, Semibalanus. Keywords: marine molluscs, crustaceans, Late Neoplestocene, 2 marine terrace(MIS- 3), 4 marine terrace(MIS- 5), Kazantzevskya transgression, Karginskaya trangression, Taymyr Peninsula, Pai-Hoi Range, Belomorsko-Kuloiskoe Plateau, Astarte, Mythilus, Spisula, Neptunea Macoma, Clinocardium, Chirona, Semibalanus
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Cite this article: Krylov A.V., Pendelyak R.N., Kostin D.N. New data of stratigraphic significance of complexes of marine molluscs and crustaceans of 2 and 4 marine terraces (MIS-3 and MIS-5) of Late Neopleistocene of the Karginian and Kazanian transgressions of Taymyr, Pai-Khoi and Belomorsko-Kuloiskoe plateau // Relief and Quaternary deposits of the Arctic, Subarctic and North-West Russia. 2019. Issue 5. P. 81-91. doi:10.24411/2687-1092-2019-10513 |