doi:10.24411/2687-1092-2019-10514 1Polargeo, Saint-Petersburg, Russia
Mining University
State University
Abstract. In result of special works by geologists of VSEGEI in 2018 year in areas of distribution of Cenozoic rocks, and field modeling for Kanin Peninsula were findings four new mineralization points of kianite, hematite and limonite ores with vanadium, cobalt and silver, agates and chalcedony, four new placers of abrasive garnet-almandine, findings of new semiprecious stones: striped agates, rauchtopazes and sapphirines (blue chalcedony). Keywords: Kanin Peninsula, mineral resources, minerals, new placers, garnet sand, new mineral localisation points, kianite, iron ores with vanadium, cobalt and silver, agates, rauchtopaz, chalcedony
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Cite this article: Krylov A.V., Tsybulskaya А.Е., Kalugin P.S., Goloborodov A.A., Pavlova M.A., Bukass A.S., Kruglikov R.G. The new data of mineral resources and minerals from Kanin peninsula obtained during the study of Cenozoic formations and field modeling // Relief and Quaternary deposits of the Arctic, Subarctic and North-West Russia. 2019. Issue 5. P. 92-102. doi:10.24411/2687-1092-2019-10514 |