Baranskaya A.V., Novikova A.V.


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Relief and Quaternary deposits of the Arctic, Subarctic and North-West Russia. Issue 6.

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Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia



Abstract. Outcrops of permafrost were studied on the coastal cliffs of the Yuribey (Gydan Peninsula) and Tormanyakha rivers and Lake Nyahalabato. Data were obtained on the structure, properties, igin and age of the Quaternary sediments. Eight genetic types of sediments were selected: 1) aquatic (marine or lacustrine) deposits, represented by a sequence of rhythmically interbedded sands and clays, 2) glacial non-layered grey clays and siltstones with cobble and xenoclasts of sand and sandy loam, 3) limnoglacial grey laminated silts (rhythmites), 4) fluvioglacial coarse-grained yellow and light gray sands with gravel and pebbles, 5) alluvial, cover and lake-bog deposits, represented by interbedded sands with loam and peat altered by cryoturbation, 6) bog deposits represented by layered autochthonous peat, 7) aeolian deposits, represented by fine and medium-grained yellow sands, 8) slope, lake and floodplain deposits.

Keywords: Quaternary sediments, permafrost, climat changes, Gydan peninsula




Nazarov D.V. Quaternary deposits of the central part of the West Siberian Arctic. Abstract of the dissertation for the scientific degree of candidate of geological and mineralogical sciences. St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg State University, 2011, 24 p.





Cite this article:

Baranskaya A.V., Novikova A.V. Quaternary sediments of the central Gydan peninsula // Relief and Quaternary deposits of the Arctic, Subarctic and North-West Russia. 2019. Issue 6. P. 8-13. doi:10.24411/2687-1092-2019-10601


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