Malikova E.L., Malikov D.G.


Relief and Quaternary deposits of the Arctic, Subarctic and North-West Russia. Issue 9.

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doi: 10.24412/2687-1092-2022-9-167-169

V.S. Sobolev Institute of Geology and Mineralogy, Novosibirsk, Russia 



Abstract. The results of field work and analysis of meteorological observation data made it possible to estimate the potential for sand transport (DP) in the Nadym Ob area. A high potential for aeolian relief development in the region was shown, even at low wind speeds. The predominant easterly direction of sand migration (RDP) has been revealed, which is consistent with the orientation of aeolian forms on the dune massifs. The most active movement of the dune occurs in the summertime. In recent years, a decrease in the intensity of deflation to weak and very weak values has been observed for the area. But, although at present the development of aeolian relief in the region has slowed down, the natural conditions here retain a high potential for the development of desertification processes.

Keywords: northern West Siberia, aeolian relief, wind regime, drift potential, resultant drift direction, resultant drift potential




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Cite this article:

Malikova E.L., Malikov D.G. 2022. Sand drift potential as a reflection of the wind regime in the Nadym Ob area // Relief and Quaternary deposits of the Arctic, Subarctic and North-West Russia. Issue 9. P. 167-169. doi: 10.24412/2687-1092-2022-9-167-169


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