1Nikolaeva S.B., 1Tolstobrov D.S., 2Koroleva A.O., 3Kostromina N.A., 4Pronina A.V.


Relief and Quaternary deposits of the Arctic, Subarctic and North-West Russia. Issue 9.

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doi: 10.24412/2687-1092-2022-9-175-180

1 Geological Institute of Kola Science Center RAS, Apatity, Russia

2 Schmidt Institute of Physics of the Earth, Moscow, Russia

3 VNIIOkeangeologia, St. Petersburg, Russia

4 Herzen State Pedagogical University, St. Petersburg, Russia 



Abstract. The paper discusses various types of deformation structures in Late Glacial marine deposits in the Ura River valley on the Barents Sea coast (NW Kola region) and their sedimentation settings. Six horizons of deformations produced by various types of gravitational flows (turbidity currents, debris flow, liquified flows) have been discovered in sedimentary sequences of the U4/2021 section. Some of the flows were caused by the Late and Post Glacial seismotectonic activity. Major types are represented by load cast structures and genetically linked flame structures, water escape structures, horizons with sedimentary breccias, various faults and liquefaction phenomena. Formation of horizons with deformations might be triggered by earthquakes and aftershocks that followed fast deglaciation of the area and activation of the major Karpinsky fault separating the Barents Sea plate from the Kola Peninsula.

Keywords: soft-sediment deformations, turbidity and debris currents, earthquakes, marine deposits, Late Pleistocene, Barents Sea, Kola region




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Nikolaeva S.B., Tolstobrov D.S., Koroleva A.O., Kostromina N.A., Pronina A.V. 2022. Gravity-flows in late glacial marine deposits of the Ura river (Barents sea coast, Kola region) and their connection to the seismicity // Relief and Quaternary deposits of the Arctic, Subarctic and North-West Russia. Issue 9. P. 175-180. doi: 10.24412/2687-1092-2022-9-175-180


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