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doi: 10.24412/2687-1092-2022-9-44-47
Abstract. During the cruise of the Ivan Petrov R/V in 2018, in the western part of the Laptev Sea, surface heat flow measurements were carried out. At two stations, values of geothermal gradient, thermal conductivity of near-bottom sediments and heat flow were obtained. The heat flow in the area of the western part of the Laptev Sea is estimated at 69 mW/m2. Keywords: geothermal measurements, geothermal gradient, heat flow, Laptev Sea, heat field nonstationarity
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Cite this article: Bochkarev A.V., Matveeva T.V., Gusev E.A. 2022. Results of geothermal measurements in the Laptev Sea during the cruise R/V “Ivan Petrov” in 2018 // Relief and Quaternary deposits of the Arctic, Subarctic and North-West Russia. Issue 9. P. 44-47. doi: 10.24412/2687-1092-2022-9-44-47