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ISSN: 2687-1092 doi:10.24411/2687-1092
Relief and Quaternary deposits of the Arctic, Subarctic and North-West Russia. Proceedings of the annual conference on the results of expedition research. Issue 5. St. Petersburg. 2019. 102 p. The conference is devoted to discussing the results of field work carried out in the Arctic, Subarctic and North-West Russia. In addition, the students' research papers are presented at the conference, which can also be performed in a cameral way. Usually members from AARI, VSEGEI, VNIIOkeangeologiya, SPbU and other organizations take part in the conference. The materials of the conference are published on the Internet in a thesis form. Perhaps part-time participation in the conference. In 2019, the conference was held on March 21 in “VNIIOkeangeologiya”. 13 reports were presented; more than 30 people were present. The geographical coverage of the objects discussed at the conference in 2019 is very wide: from Greenland and Spitsbergen in the west to the Chukotka Peninsula in the east. Ed. - E.A. Gusev
Lukyanycheva M. Influence of geomorphological factors on the movement of the Greenland ice sheet - p. 5-9. Gavrilova A.A., Sharin V.V. Late Pleistocene-Holocene paleogeographic environments of separate areas of Western Spitsbergen island (Spitsbergen archipelago) - p. 10-16. Bartova A.V. Something else about the Yedoma of North-East - p. 17-21. Pravkin S.A., Sander L., Khristoforov I.I., Papenmeier S., Michaelis R., Danilov K.P., Bolshiyanova O.D., Bolshiyanov D.Yu. Relief and modern tectonics of the south-western coast of the Buor-Khaya bay, Laptev Sea - p. 22-26. Kostin D.N., Antonov O.M., Shneyder G.V. Krylov A.V. Quarterly sediments of the northern Taymyr: the new data from geological survey works in 2017-2018 (GGS-200 Lenivenskaya coverage S-45-XI, XII) - p. 27-30. Shneyder G.V, Kostin D.N., Trikolidi F.A. Creating the map of quaternary deposits within GGS-200 of north-eastern Taymyr - p. 31-34. Bolshiyanov D., Makarov A., Strauss J., Schneider W. To marine genesis of ice complex and first terrace of the Lena delta with new evidences - p. 35-37. Gusev E.A., Krylov A.A., Novikhina E.S., Litvinenko I.V., Maksimov F.E., Petrov A.Yu. First results of marine geological surveys in the Voronin Trough (Kara Sea) and on the Laptev Sea continental slope - p. 38-42. Semenov P., Malyshev S., Gusev Е. Unusual features of organic matter composition of bottom sediments from nearshore Komsomolets island area (on the data of sedimentary n-alkanes distribution) - p. 43-46. Kostromina N.A., Savelieva L.A., Fedorov G.B., Krikunova A.I., Kolka V.V. Pollen record inferred from bottom sediments of Lake Imandra - p. 47-48. Krylov A.V., Zarhidze D.V., Anikina N.U., Derevyanko L.G, Marquet R. New data of stratigraphy of the Late Cenozoic of the eastern part of the Kanin peninsula - p. 49-64. Zarhidze D.V., Krylov A.V., Anikina N.Yu., Derevyanko L.G. Geological structure of the upper Yangareau shaft and the range of Tabeymususures on the western Pai-Khoy - p. 65-80. Krylov A.V., Pendelyak R.N., Kostin D.N. New data of stratigraphic significance of complexes of marine molluscs and crustaceans of 2 and 4 marine terraces (MIS-3 and MIS-5) of Late Neopleistocene of the Karginian and Kazanian transgressions of Taymyr, Pai-Khoi and Belomorsko-Kuloiskoe plateau - p. 81-91. Krylov A.V., Tsybulskaya А.Е., Kalugin P.S., Goloborodov A.A., Pavlova M.A., Bukass A.S., Kruglikov R.G. The new data of mineral resources and minerals from Kanin peninsula obtained during the study of Cenozoic formations and field modeling - p. 92-102.