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1 – VNIIOkeangeologia,
2 – Arctic and Antarctic
Research Institute, 3 – 4 - Mireco Mining
Company, 5 – Earth
Cryosphere Institute SB RAS,
Quaternary deposits of the lower reaches of Yenisei
River serve as key sections for Russian sector of the Arctic, and some
well-known formations (messovian, sanchugovian, kazanian, zyryanian, and
karginian) were described here [Saks
and Antonov, 1945; Saks, 1953]. Sanchugovskaya suite beds
are characterized by dominantly clayey composition, depleted foraminifera
complexes, accidental mollusk shells and spore and pollen spectra
indicative of cold sedimentation environment. Kazanian
beds are commonly clayey sand and sandy clay with abundant Boreal
and Boreal-Arctic mollusk fauna and are also rich in microfauna. Karginian
Formation, by Saks, includes an alluvium of river terraces, marine
postglacial ingression deposits, lacustrine
sediments, deluviual beds, and peat. Zyryanian deposits represent
sandy and pebble beds as well as sandy clay with cobbles and pebbles.
Troitsky [1966] based on the mollusk data
argued a wide occurrence of karginian beds in the area. Then, in late
1960s, scientists of the However,
this standpoint implying the Neogene age for the most part of the sequence
was then criticized in the literature [Arkhipov
et al., 1980]. The concept of a widely-spread karginian unit
was later revived based on the radiocarbon dating of voluminous organics [Kind,
1974; Danilov and Parunin, 1982]. Kaplyanskaya and Tarnogradsky
[1975] were inclined to consider
the sanchugovain cobble sandy clay as a glacial product. New
EPR [Arkhipov,
1997], OSL and AMS [Astakhov
and Mangerud, 2005] dates were yielded recently for Yenisei
River Mouth Region. These dates support older (kazanian) age of the
deposits recognized earlier as the Karginian
Formation in the stratotypic sections at The research of stratigraphy and paleogeography of Yenisei
River Mouth Region is now carried out by
VNIIOkeangeologia, More than 40 natural outcrops of loose sediments were described along the
A series of OSL, AMS C14, and U-Th dates have been obtained
for these deposits. Radiocarbon dating was performed for the freshwater
mollusk shells (Pisidium amnicum Mull.,
Lymnea peregra Müller, Anisus spirorbis L.)
from a thin layer of sandy clay rich in wood remnants. This layer divides
upper stratified ice and the ice complex deposits with polygonal
vein-filling ice in a round-shaped thermokarst pit near the Sopochnaya
Karga polar station. The date we obtained, 10.282±67 ka (АА-75298), evidences for the Early Holocene age of the host clayey sand. North of Sopochnaya Karga a number of sections have been described with
kazanian sand or clayey sand rich in marine mollusks Hiatella arctica L.,
Astarte sulcata (da Costa), Angulus sp. nov., Astarte
montague (Dillw.), Acanthocardia ciliate (Fabr.), Chlamys
islandicus (Müll.), Mytilus edulis Linn., Clinocardium
ciliatum (Fabr.), Nuculana minuta (Müll.), Yoldiella
cf. intermedia (Sars), Tachyrchynchus
sp nov., Buccinum bayani Jouss., B. undatum (Linn.), Mya cf. arenaria (Linn.),
Neptunea communis (Midd.), Hemithyris sp., Criptonatica
clausa (Brod. &
(Couth.), Admete
viridula (Fabr.), Oenopota
pyramidalis Storm,
O. nobilis
(Müll.), Euspira pallida
& Sow.), E.
(Storm), Balanus sp. (analyzed by A. Krylov). The material for dating was
sampled from the upper part of kazanian
deposits. AMS radiocarbon dating of an Angulus
sp. nov. shell yielded a
radiocarbon age of more than >48 000 years (АА-76991).
An OSL dating was performed for the host sand. The dates are 112,5±9,6 ka
(RLQG 1769-107) and 117.7±10.0 ka (RLQG 1770-107). Earlier Kaplyanskaya
and Tarnogradsky obtained a radiocarbon date for a voluminous sample of
kazanian sand from somewhere directly northward of the described area,
which was 40,1±0,5 ka (GIN-3748). Two dates were obtained from the sand topping the sequence at Another
OSL date comes from the sand covering varved silt at As was shown above, the new data considerably constrain the stratigraphy
of the Yenisei River Mouth Region. Kazanian deposits appear to occur
widely than karginian ones. Thus, in Taimyr Peninsula, the dating confirms
the karginian age only for the deposits bedded below Besides, our data do not confirm a wide coverage of zyryanian glaciers
believed to spread from a glaciation center in Also, the new data do not support an allochtonous position of kazanian
sand with abundant Boreal mollusk fauna [Kaplyanskaya
and Tarnogradsky, 1975].
Indeed, if these sediments were transported by a glacier from the Kara Sea
floor to its modern shoreline, the OSL dates would show not a kazanian but
zyryanian age. In addition, in many localities, the mollusk shells,
however fragile, remain in living position and largely intact. One of the hardest challenges in the study area remains the correlation
of individual sections. Ubiquitous occurrence of permafrost including
thick buried ice layers and polygonal vein-filling ice favors partial
seasonal melting and vigorous solifluction, thermal denudation and thermal
abrasion. The
upper parts of the sections could have been well displaced, melted and
refrozen. Add poor exposure of sediments, ongoing tectonic dislocation
pronounced in slumping on the flanks of uplifts, and quick alternation of
facies of similar age within short distances. To
further investigate and gain new insights into the interrelation of
Quaternary units of Yenisei River Mouth Region, a Georadar profiling
similar to seismoacoustic profiling on shelf is strongly desired, coupled
with wider involvement of all available modern techniques for studying the
outcrops. References
(in Russian) Arkhipov
S.A. Chronology of Late Pleistocene geological events in Arkhipov
V.I., Mangerud J. The Age of the Karginsky Interglacial Strata on the Bolshianov
D.Yu. Passive glaciation of Danolov I.D. Pleistocene of marine subarctic
lowlands. M., MSU, 1978.
200 p. Danilov I.D., Parunin O.B. Comparative results
of Radiocarbon dating of carbonate concretions and plant fragments from
Upper Pleistocene deposits of Karginian terrace from Zagorskaya N.G., Yashina Z.I., Slobodin V.Ya.,
Levina F.M., Belevich A.M. Marine (Neogene?)-Quaternary Sediments of the
Lower Course of the Kaplyanskaya F.A., Tarnogradskiy, V.D.
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Streletskaya I.D., Vasiliev A.A., Medvedeva M.A. Key problems of Quaternary stratigraphy and
paleogeography of |