Korsakova O.P.1,2,3, Repkina T.Yu.3,4, Vashkov A.A.1,3, Zaretskaya N.E.3,4, Vyatkin E.D.5, Yakovleva A.P.4


Relief and Quaternary deposits of the Arctic, Subarctic and North-West Russia. Issue 10.

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doi: 10.24412/2687-1092-2023-10-142-152

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1Geological Institute, Kola Science Center, Russian Academy of Sciences, Apatity, Russia

2Murmansk Arctic University, Branch of the MAU in Apatity, Apatity, Russia

3VNIIOkeangeologia, St. Petersburg, Russia

4Institute of Geography of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia

5Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia



Abstract. Field work carried out in 2022-2023 on the islands Bolshoy Solovetsky and Bolshaya Muksalma, was aimed to the study of glacial and meltwater-glacial formations. After preliminary decoding of distance materials, lithological and stratigraphic studies of outcrops in quarries and in the coastal cliff, as well as in pits, were carried out. It has been established that glacial landforms associated with water-glacial and glacial-lake formations prevail. They formed in the suture zone of two glacial lobes mainly during the Neva stage of deglaciation. A geomorphological complex forms an angular massif on the Island Bolshoy Solovetsky and the oscillatory marginal moraine zone on the Island Bolshaya Muksalma.

Keywords: Solovetsky Archipelago, deglaciation, ridge relief, angular massif, glacial deposits, lithological and stratigraphic study




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Korsakova O.P., Repkina T.Yu., Vashkov A.A., Zaretskaya N.E., Vyatkin E.D., Yakovleva A.P. Glacial accumulative formations of Bolshoy Solovetsky and Bolshaya Muksalma islands // Relief and Quaternary deposits of the Arctic, Subarctic and North-West Russia. 2023. Issue 10. P. 142-152. doi: 10.24412/2687-1092-2023-10-142-152


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