Khomutov A.V.1, Babkina E.A.1, Mareev V.A.1,2, Fakashuk N.Yu.1


Relief and Quaternary deposits of the Arctic, Subarctic and North-West Russia. Issue 10.

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doi: 10.24412/2687-1092-2023-10-283-291

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1 Earth Cryosphere Institute Tyumen Scientific Centre SB RAS, Tyumen, Russia

2 Tyumen Industrial University, Tyumen, Russia



Abstract. Monitoring of active layer depth on key sites «Vaskiny Dachi» in the central part of Yamal Peninsula was ongoing and expanded in 2023. Obtained data were compared with earlier monitoring results. Zoning of active layer depth was carried out on a landscape-geomorphological basis.

Keywords: active layer depth, permafrost, monitoring, active layer, zoning of active layer depth





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Cite this article:

Khomutov A.V., Babkina E.A., Mareev V.A., Fakashuk N.Yu. Monitoring and zoning of active layer depth on a landscape-geomorphological basis on Central Yamal // Relief and Quaternary deposits of the Arctic, Subarctic and North-West Russia. 2023. Issue 10. P. 283-291. doi: 10.24412/2687-1092-2023-10-283-291


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